In current. The porblem in the use of antibiotics throughout the world because the human misuse antibiotics and no the rule or the legal medicine for control, such as, the free trade of medicine, the patient neglects to take anitibiotics a whole course and the using antibiotics in livestock or the cattle.
The drugstore of some countries sale antibiotics without the control of the law because of uncontrolled sale in many low countries, where they can sale the antibiotics without a prescription from the doctors. The example. The drugstore in India where the people can buy the antibiotics without a prescirtion, for their treatments, anti-infections and immunity so bacteria can develop and spread without control.
The pateints who take antibiotics by the prescription neglects to take the antibiotics a whole course so the bacteria can develop and become to the superbufs or the antibiotic resistant.
In the livestock or the cattle get the antibiotics or growth promotion because of the production of the meat. For the production of the meat. The animals in livestock get the antibiotics and develop resistant bacteria in their gut so the antibiotics can remain on meat, when the people eats the meat, thet will get the antibiotics. The bacteria can spread to humans because of not handled.
In conclution. The problem in the use of antibiotics throughout the world because of the misusing antibiotics, The uncontrolled sale of the antibiotics in some countries, the neglection of the pateints and the using antibiotics in livestock. They are the cause of the antibiotic resistant in current. If we are not doing the improve disgnosis of viral and not realized of the mutation of the bacteria, it will be harder treat and kill our in the future.