Hello Im a man that want to see if this could be the way forward..! I want a woman that wants to start a family with me . I´ve got my own house and want to use my large garden to grow what we need. I am also thinking of getting chickens to get more self sufficient..!
I have never been to Thailand but have heard many good things about the women in the country. I have a friend that is about to get married with a Thai-girl..and he has lot of good to say about the women and I want to believe him.
So now Im full of anticipation.
I am friendly sincer kind and easy going with a lot of humor ..I love to laugh. I have lots of love in my heart for the right woman.
If a woman have the ability to make a man FEEL sexy he becomes sexy is my beliefes..and vice versa. If young at heart you delay aging..come to me beautyful girl/woman and let us grow old together in love and harmony.
I want us to make happy healthy "good looking ;)" children.
We will do lots of things together as go fishing..picking berries and mushroom in the wild deep Swedish forest ;)...I want to go travel and see places in the world..Italy, the US maybe Australia...there is so much in the world to be seen..question is do you want to do that with me?
I´m not rich with swedish western measures of rich but I get by "I feel rich and blessed though" got some savings..my own house and a car. A hunting house/hut a small boat and a boathouse just for lakefishing. No loans yet ;) and I am planning to build things on the house to get better comfort..and more space.
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