Thank you for using Wish. Your financial security is very important to us. We "save" your credit card information so that the next time you purchase, you do not have to re-enter all your payment information.
Please note that we use a service that obscures your credit card information from us; you see your credit card as "saved" on the app but we cannot actually see your full credit card number or security code. We cannot and will not charge your card without your authorization.
To remove your billing information, please navigate to the bottom of the settings page (https://www.wish.com/settings) and click on the credit card you want to remove. Click on the little 'x' next to your credit card information and click on 'yes' when prompted.
Hope that clears things up for you. Please let us know if you require any further assistance.
Thank you,
Wish Customer Satisfaction
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On November 24, 2014 at 10:21รักแปล