resh beef accounts for approximately 4 billion pounds and $15 billion in sales annually. Because the
beef industry serves many markets, numerous demands are placed on the manufacture, distribution,
sales and marketing of beef products to multiple segments of the food industry. To supply safe, high
quality fresh products to its customers, the beef industry utilizes a range of packaging technologies. Beef
packages must perform several functions. Packages must protect against contamination and deterioration,
provide product visibility, and display label information. Packages also serve a merchandising function
and must be appealing to consumers.
The multiple functions and variety of packaging technologies available for consumer products creates
challenges for those who design packages for beef, including fresh, cooked or frozen beef products. Beef
packaging may be stored under a wide range of conditions including refrigeration, freezing and intense
lighting, and it must be able to withstand these conditions and handling abuse.
Regardless of its purpose, the package must be economical to produce to keep cost low and maintain
beef’s competitiveness among sources of dietary protein.
Meat Color
In order to understand meat packaging, it is important to understand the needs of the beef product being