Much of science today is what used to be called natural philosophy. Natural philosophy was the study of unanswered questions about nature. As the answers were found, they became part of what is now called science.
The study of science today branches into the study of living things and nonliving things the life sciences and the physical science. The life sciences branches into areas such as biology, zoology, and botany . The physical science branches into areas such as geology, astronomy chemistry, and physics.
Physics is more than a part of the physical sciences, it is the most basic of all the sciences. Physics is about the nature of basic things such as motion, forces, energy, matter, heat, sound, light, and the composition of atoms. Chemistry is about how matter is put together, how atoms combine of from molecules, and how the molecule combine to make up the many kinds of matter around us. Biology is still more complex and involves matter that is alive. So physics supports chemistry, which in turn supports biology. The ideas of physics are fundamental to these more complicated sciences. That’s why physics is the most basic science. You can understand other science much better if you first understand physics. This book presents physics conceptually so that you can enjoy understanding it.