Although school is usually a safe place, difficult situations can sometimes arise. Because most of your time is spent there, you need to know what’s going on in your school.
If you or someone you know is threatened by another student, take them seriously. If in doubt on what to do in a situation like that, discuss it with your parents or someone you feel comfortable with, possibly a guidance counselor.
Be careful of people on school property who don’t seem to belong there. If they appear to be a threat to the safety of the students report it to the principal or someone else of authority in the school.
If you have problems with other students, becoming involved in a physical fight can make the problem worse. If you feel that your safety is threatened, letting someone know can help to the situation. Even though it may seem like a last resort, telling your parents or even teachers may provide a way to keep you from being harmed. Don’t let pride get in the way of avoiding intimidating situations.
If you are aware of other students bringing weapons to school, report it even if you have to do anonymously to protect your identity.