The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 is the legislative source of copyright
law. This voluminous Act, comprising 306 sections and eight Schedules,4 also deals with
designs, rights in performances and has miscellaneous provisions concerning patent
law and trade mark law. The copyright provisions of the Act came into force on 1 August
1989. Although some significant changes were made to copyright law by the Act, it
was not intended to change fundamental copyright principles and much of the case
law developed prior to the coming into force of the Act may still be used as an aid to
the construction of the Act and for determining whether the previous law has been
departed from.5 Also, copyright provisions under the Act which correspond to provisions
under the previous law are not to be taken to depart from previous law merely
because of a change of expression.6
The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 is the legislative source of copyright
law. This voluminous Act, comprising 306 sections and eight Schedules,4 also deals with
designs, rights in performances and has miscellaneous provisions concerning patent
law and trade mark law. The copyright provisions of the Act came into force on 1 August
1989. Although some significant changes were made to copyright law by the Act, it
was not intended to change fundamental copyright principles and much of the case
law developed prior to the coming into force of the Act may still be used as an aid to
the construction of the Act and for determining whether the previous law has been
departed from.5 Also, copyright provisions under the Act which correspond to provisions
under the previous law are not to be taken to depart from previous law merely
because of a change of expression.6
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..