Meeting Details
Date of meeting 06]Jun]2014, Friday
Time of meeting 10:00 am . 12:00 pm
Location for meeting CPFfs office
Purpose of Meeting
To discuss about SAP Interface Program and enhancement of Smart Credit
Splitting Logic and bank statement reconciliation of Splitting records using
Multicash file as well as DBQC setup and e]mail alert, Debit Advice
(Processed Payment) of Smart Credit and Setup]Form of services CPF will
apply with DB
CPF . Khun Vichai, Khun Anuchsara and khun Sutam
DB . Khun Karuna, Khun Phisit, Khun Nawanop, Khun Teeraphat and khun
Follow]up meeting (date and time) TBA
To discuss about Cash Management Products Implementation
Summary of Discussion
Item Topic Action/Remark
1. SAP Interface Program and Enhancement:]
DB explained CPF on payment and bank statement reconciliation
workflow and the solution of Smart Credit Splitting.
DB provided SAP/DB Interface Program . full transport with PGP
encryption to CPF on 18 April. However, SAP/DB full transport has not
included the enhancement of Smart Credit Splitting. DB will enhance
feature of Smart Credit Splitting after got Sign]off Interface Program
Specification from CPF. Then, DB will send patch to CPF to transport to
During waiting for patch from DB. CPF IT will import full transport and
setup PGP encryption in their SAP and perform payment method and
format mapping in T]Code YDBN (SAP/DB Interface Program).
CPF user will list out payment methods in SAP to be setup mapping in
SAP/DB Interface Program and prepare test cases exclude the case of
Smart Credit with payment amount over 2 million THB.
After DB send patch to CPF, CPF IT will import patch to SAP. Then, CPF
user can retest all test cases including the case of Smart Credit with
payment amount over 2 million THB.
All to note
CPF to provide sign off interface
program specification to DB
CPF IT and DB to work together
on program transport and
payment mapping
CPF user to provide payment
methods for mapping and
prepare test cases
All to note
2. Bank Statement Reconciliation with Multicash file format:]
DB explained CPF that Bank Statement in Multicash format will contain
multiple line items of splitting records. Each line item of splitting record
will contain the same SAP payment document number.
CPF can select multiple line items of splitting records to do bank
statement reconciliation manually in SAP via T]Code FEBA or re]post with
All to note
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Minutes of Meeting
clearing for matching multiple line items to the corresponding SAP
payment document number.
3. DBQC setup:]
CPF would like DB to setup e]mail alert to notify user bases on Company
Code contains in Payment Run ID in SAP.
DB checked internally and confirmed that above mentioned requirement
can be done.
DB advised CPF IT create sub folder per Company Code under DBQC
application installed on SAP PI and prepare FTP script to check payment
file name generated by SAP/DB Interface Program and FTP payment file
from SAP path to the appropriate sub folder on SAP PI based on Company
Code in Payment Run ID of payment file name.
DB requested CPF to provide list of Company Code to be created as sub
folder in DBQC and e]mail address of CPF user of each company.
On the other hand, DB would like CPF to confirm whether CPF will
separate sub folder to store bank statement file (Multicash) by Company
All to note
CPF IT and DB to work on DBQC
setup and e]mail alert
CPF IT to provide list of
Company Code (folder name in
DBQC) and e]mail address of
CPF user for each company to
CPF to confirm DB on bank
statement folder
4. Debit Advice and Information Sorting:]
Normally, when CPF run automatic payment in SAP, payment item will
sort by payment document no. for each Payment Run ID. CPF would like
to receive processed payment report sorted by payment document no.
same as sorting in Payment Run ID.
CPF requested DB to check how information sorting on debit
advice/processed payment report generated from DBDI.
DB provided update to CPF (khun Anuchsara) on 12 Jun that normally
Payment Run ID will sort by vendor code ascending and SAP will assign
payment document no. per mentioned sorting criteria. SAP/DB Interface
program will retrieve information based on Payment Run ID sorting and
processed payment report contains information same sorting in Payment
Run ID.
CPF would like to download processed payment report per Payment Run
ID from DBDI.
DB provided update to CPF (khun Anuchsara) on 12 Jun that CPF user can
login to DBDI and create filter and select criteria per Payment Run ID to
download processed payment report from DBDI. DB can advise CPF user
how to create filter and assign criteria to download processed payment
report from DBDI during the training.
All to note
CPF to recheck on the sorting
criteria in Payment Run ID
All to note
All to note
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For internal use only
Minutes of Meeting
5. Service Setup]Form:]
DB sent service Setup]Form to CPF (khun Anuchsara) for review and
request authorized persons to sign on the Service Setup]Form.
CPF (khun Anuchsara) would like DB to check who can sign on the Service
CPF to review Service Setup]
Form and provide feedback to
DB checked and found that POA
is not allowed grantees to sign
any agreements or documents
related to electronic banking
system. Therefore, CPF is
required to request for directors
to sign on the Service Setup]
Meeting Details
Date of meeting 06]Jun]2014, Friday
Time of meeting 10:00 am . 12:00 pm
Location for meeting CPFfs office
Purpose of Meeting
To discuss about SAP Interface Program and enhancement of Smart Credit
Splitting Logic and bank statement reconciliation of Splitting records using
Multicash file as well as DBQC setup and e]mail alert, Debit Advice
(Processed Payment) of Smart Credit and Setup]Form of services CPF will
apply with DB
CPF . Khun Vichai, Khun Anuchsara and khun Sutam
DB . Khun Karuna, Khun Phisit, Khun Nawanop, Khun Teeraphat and khun
Follow]up meeting (date and time) TBA
To discuss about Cash Management Products Implementation
Summary of Discussion
Item Topic Action/Remark
1. SAP Interface Program and Enhancement:]
DB explained CPF on payment and bank statement reconciliation
workflow and the solution of Smart Credit Splitting.
DB provided SAP/DB Interface Program . full transport with PGP
encryption to CPF on 18 April. However, SAP/DB full transport has not
included the enhancement of Smart Credit Splitting. DB will enhance
feature of Smart Credit Splitting after got Sign]off Interface Program
Specification from CPF. Then, DB will send patch to CPF to transport to
During waiting for patch from DB. CPF IT will import full transport and
setup PGP encryption in their SAP and perform payment method and
format mapping in T]Code YDBN (SAP/DB Interface Program).
CPF user will list out payment methods in SAP to be setup mapping in
SAP/DB Interface Program and prepare test cases exclude the case of
Smart Credit with payment amount over 2 million THB.
After DB send patch to CPF, CPF IT will import patch to SAP. Then, CPF
user can retest all test cases including the case of Smart Credit with
payment amount over 2 million THB.
All to note
CPF to provide sign off interface
program specification to DB
CPF IT and DB to work together
on program transport and
payment mapping
CPF user to provide payment
methods for mapping and
prepare test cases
All to note
2. Bank Statement Reconciliation with Multicash file format:]
DB explained CPF that Bank Statement in Multicash format will contain
multiple line items of splitting records. Each line item of splitting record
will contain the same SAP payment document number.
CPF can select multiple line items of splitting records to do bank
statement reconciliation manually in SAP via T]Code FEBA or re]post with
All to note
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Minutes of Meeting
clearing for matching multiple line items to the corresponding SAP
payment document number.
3. DBQC setup:]
CPF would like DB to setup e]mail alert to notify user bases on Company
Code contains in Payment Run ID in SAP.
DB checked internally and confirmed that above mentioned requirement
can be done.
DB advised CPF IT create sub folder per Company Code under DBQC
application installed on SAP PI and prepare FTP script to check payment
file name generated by SAP/DB Interface Program and FTP payment file
from SAP path to the appropriate sub folder on SAP PI based on Company
Code in Payment Run ID of payment file name.
DB requested CPF to provide list of Company Code to be created as sub
folder in DBQC and e]mail address of CPF user of each company.
On the other hand, DB would like CPF to confirm whether CPF will
separate sub folder to store bank statement file (Multicash) by Company
All to note
CPF IT and DB to work on DBQC
setup and e]mail alert
CPF IT to provide list of
Company Code (folder name in
DBQC) and e]mail address of
CPF user for each company to
CPF to confirm DB on bank
statement folder
4. Debit Advice and Information Sorting:]
Normally, when CPF run automatic payment in SAP, payment item will
sort by payment document no. for each Payment Run ID. CPF would like
to receive processed payment report sorted by payment document no.
same as sorting in Payment Run ID.
CPF requested DB to check how information sorting on debit
advice/processed payment report generated from DBDI.
DB provided update to CPF (khun Anuchsara) on 12 Jun that normally
Payment Run ID will sort by vendor code ascending and SAP will assign
payment document no. per mentioned sorting criteria. SAP/DB Interface
program will retrieve information based on Payment Run ID sorting and
processed payment report contains information same sorting in Payment
Run ID.
CPF would like to download processed payment report per Payment Run
ID from DBDI.
DB provided update to CPF (khun Anuchsara) on 12 Jun that CPF user can
login to DBDI and create filter and select criteria per Payment Run ID to
download processed payment report from DBDI. DB can advise CPF user
how to create filter and assign criteria to download processed payment
report from DBDI during the training.
All to note
CPF to recheck on the sorting
criteria in Payment Run ID
All to note
All to note
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For internal use only
Minutes of Meeting
5. Service Setup]Form:]
DB sent service Setup]Form to CPF (khun Anuchsara) for review and
request authorized persons to sign on the Service Setup]Form.
CPF (khun Anuchsara) would like DB to check who can sign on the Service
CPF to review Service Setup]
Form and provide feedback to
DB checked and found that POA
is not allowed grantees to sign
any agreements or documents
related to electronic banking
system. Therefore, CPF is
required to request for directors
to sign on the Service Setup]
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