All team leaders to brief their members on the Stock Count Instructions before
the stock take.
1. All members are divided into teams with designated team leaders. Each team is divided into two groups. Each group shall perform the count independently although the groups shall be counting the same items.
2. Results of the count will be recorded in ink, on the sheets provided.
3. Each sheet must be initialed in the space provided by the person who carried out the function.
4. All items should be counted as they are encountered through the departments.
5. All items should be counter checked and subsequently marked as counted using chalk.
6. The lot no, description of goods, product code, batch number, no of cartons and pack size should be clearly written on count sheets.
7. Where doubt exists for any reason, the matter should be referred to Krid or Suchart or Raynu for decision.
8. Upon completion of counting each respective area, staff is encouraged to assist other teams to speed up the stock counting.