Urban Integration
The railway stations of tomorrow will offer
multimodal transportation options and shorter
routes. Additional comfort and convenience for
passengers will be achieved by integrating stations
into the urban environment, with links to
trade and industry, and by providing employment,
housing, and recreation opportunities.
Public transportation and mobility options,
including bicycle and electric car sharing, will
exist side by side and be supplemented by
intelligently linked information offerings and
innovative services.
Travel support systems
Universal information and mobile payment systems
will aid travelers in selecting modes of
transportation, optimal rates, and alternative
transport services in the event of delays. Travel
system operators will be able to reach more
passengers through selective dissemination of
information and advertising.
Secure infrastructure management
The number of passengers using public transportation
is growing. Innovative approaches
are required to handle the increased flow of
traffic using the existing infrastructure. Simulations
as well as intelligent information and
management systems can aid infrastructure
operators. Integrated security systems help
operators prevent, detect, and respond to
threats to passeng