Sources: Village-level and household questionnaires.
Note: Functions: 1 = financing; 2 = staffing; 3 = provisioning; 4 = community-based
action; 5 = capacity building; 6 = coordination of activities; 7 = M&E; 8 = conflict
resolution/accountability; 9 = information sharing/dissemination.
a. The variable project village identifies a village that comes under a World Bank–aided
intervention (or in the case of watershed development in Karnataka, one aided by the
Department for International Development).
+ Significant positive association at 95 percent.
++ Significant positive association at 99 percent.
- Significant negative association at 95 percent.
— Significant negative association at 99 percent.
° No significant association.
* Insufficient data. Relatively few local organizations undertook activities falling
under the general function area of staffing. In the case of the drinking water and
sanitation projects, in which this problem was particularly acute, this function has
not been included in the analysis.
from a market, the better the organization performs. In all sectors, the size
of a village has a positive relationship with performance, although results
in the women’s sector were mixed: a larger village population associates
positively with staffing, community-based action, and M&E, but negatively
with provisioning.