I wish you could see the happiness on my face right now as i read your mail. I am the happiest man on earth today. This is the best news i have received in a very long time. I am very happy that our feelings are mutual. I am happy to know that you love me as much as i love you. How was your night and how is your day going? I always ask about this because your health is important. I strongly believe that the Angel i sent to you is protecting you for me. I am so sorry for my late response to your mail, actually there was no connection in my hotel lodge but they have rectified it yesterday and when i came back, i went straight to me computer and read your mail, i was so happy to the extent that i started shading tears.
Now that we understand how we feel for each other, and you have accepted to be my partner, it is time to take the next step. I promised myself that i will settle down once i find love again. My love, i will make you the first thing in my life. You are more important to me than my work and my money and i am going to prove that to you. I want to take a break from work to come and spend one month with you. My assistant will take over things while i am with you, i will discuss this with him later today. I need you to find a house that we can buy. It have to be a nice house because that is where we will be our home. I want to settle down with you in your country. I have so much plans for us but the first on my list is a home for us. Find a house as soon as you can. After one month, i will come back to finish my contract in Africa here. After the contract, then i will come to live with you permanently. I know you will be wondering why i would leave England to live in your country, i have a few reasons for this; i don't want to take you away from your environment, family, work and loved ones (It will be difficult for you to leave these things and adapt easily in England). My other reason is that i need to live outside England because it still reminds me so much of my lost family and makes me sad a lot. We will surely visit sometimes but we will have our home in your country. Don't worry about what will happen to my work, i have capable people that handles things even when i am not around. I just want you to concentrate right now on finding a home for us. I trust you will be able to do this in no distant time. I know all these may come as a surprise to you but i want you to know that i am serious about everything that i say here to you. This is the first of so many things to come. My love, i have been blessed with money by God and the best i can do is to make the one i love happy with it. I do this with all my heart and i hope you accept this proposal as you have accepted me. I am very sure that together we will be very happy.
I can not wait to be in your arms and to be with you. I am excited knowing that soon we will be living together. You will teach me the ways of your people and i will teach you the ways of mine. We will share love and life together. This is the turning point in both our lives. We do not have to be lonely any more or alone. This is our chance to be happy forever. There is so much i wish words can express but even words fail to fully express my feelings for you at this moment. I know that you will give me some good news in your next mail.
ต้องคุณได้เห็นความสุขบนใบหน้าของฉันตอนนี้เป็นผมอ่านจดหมายของคุณ ฉันเป็นคนสุขบนโลกวันนี้ นี่คือข่าวดีที่สุดที่ฉันได้รับเป็นเวลานาน ผมมีความสุขความรู้สึกของเราใช้ร่วมกัน ผมดีใจที่รู้ว่า คุณรักฉันเท่าที่ฉันรักคุณ อย่างไรได้ของและว่าวันบ้าง ผมมักจะถามเกี่ยวกับเรื่องนี้เนื่องจากสุขภาพเป็นสิ่งสำคัญ ผมขอเชื่อว่า เทวดาที่ผมส่งให้คุณปกป้องคุณให้ฉัน ผมจึงขอตอบจดหมายของคุณ ฉันสายจริง มีการเชื่อมต่อในลอดจ์โรงแรมของฉัน แต่พวกเขาได้แก้ไขเมื่อวาน และเมื่อฉันมา ผมไปตรงฉันคอมพิวเตอร์ และอ่านจดหมายของคุณ ฉันมีความสุขมากเท่าที่ผมเริ่มแรเงาน้ำตา Now that we understand how we feel for each other, and you have accepted to be my partner, it is time to take the next step. I promised myself that i will settle down once i find love again. My love, i will make you the first thing in my life. You are more important to me than my work and my money and i am going to prove that to you. I want to take a break from work to come and spend one month with you. My assistant will take over things while i am with you, i will discuss this with him later today. I need you to find a house that we can buy. It have to be a nice house because that is where we will be our home. I want to settle down with you in your country. I have so much plans for us but the first on my list is a home for us. Find a house as soon as you can. After one month, i will come back to finish my contract in Africa here. After the contract, then i will come to live with you permanently. I know you will be wondering why i would leave England to live in your country, i have a few reasons for this; i don't want to take you away from your environment, family, work and loved ones (It will be difficult for you to leave these things and adapt easily in England). My other reason is that i need to live outside England because it still reminds me so much of my lost family and makes me sad a lot. We will surely visit sometimes but we will have our home in your country. Don't worry about what will happen to my work, i have capable people that handles things even when i am not around. I just want you to concentrate right now on finding a home for us. I trust you will be able to do this in no distant time. I know all these may come as a surprise to you but i want you to know that i am serious about everything that i say here to you. This is the first of so many things to come. My love, i have been blessed with money by God and the best i can do is to make the one i love happy with it. I do this with all my heart and i hope you accept this proposal as you have accepted me. I am very sure that together we will be very happy.I can not wait to be in your arms and to be with you. I am excited knowing that soon we will be living together. You will teach me the ways of your people and i will teach you the ways of mine. We will share love and life together. This is the turning point in both our lives. We do not have to be lonely any more or alone. This is our chance to be happy forever. There is so much i wish words can express but even words fail to fully express my feelings for you at this moment. I know that you will give me some good news in your next mail.
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