The two men sat down on the floor. The Spaniard
had a green hat and long while hair. the other man
was small and dark. He look out a bag and began to
open it.
‘ It's’ hot in here,’ the Spaniard said. He look off
his green hat - and then he took off his long white
‘Tom!’ Huck whispered upstairs. ‘That's lnjun
‘We took six hundred and fifty dollars dollars when we
robben that house’said the second man. He took some
money out of the bag. ‘We can take fifty dollars with
us now. What are we going to do with the six hundred?’
‘ Leave it here.’ said lnjun Joe. We can come back
and get it next week. Here, give me the bag.
He walked across the room to the fireplaces. moved
two big stones from the floor, and began to dig with his