- Staff of National Safety Week #28
- Participated in Occupational Health and Safety
to the community
- Participated in the Health Science #15
- Participated in the Graduates Congratulation
- Participated in the Connect Relationship Sports
- Participated in the Large Candle Parade for
Buddhist Lent Day
- Participated in the Religion with Public Health
- Participated in the Open Activity of Naresuan university
- Participated in the Walking Campaign about No Drugs
- Participated in the Power Cheer
- Participated in the Pay Respect Teachers Faculty
- Participated in the Pay Respect Teachers of
Naresuan university
- Participated in the Principles to life
- Participated in the Listening freshy
- Participated in the Orientation for new student
- Participated in the PH Camp
- Participated in the Beginning camp #11 and Appreciation