Part Six," Margo said once we were driving again. She was waving her fingernails through the air,almost like she was playing piano. " Leave flowers on Karin's doorstep with apologetic note."
"What'd you do to her?"
"Well,when she told me about Jase,I sort the messenger."
"How so?" I asked. We were pulled up to a stoplight,and some kids in a sports car next to us were revving their engine-as if I was going to race the Chrysler. When you floored it,it whim-pered.
"Well,I don't remember exactly what I called her,but it was someting along the lines of 'sniveling, repulsive, idiotic, backne-ridden, sanggletoothed,fat-assed bitch with the worst hari in Central Florida-and that's saying something.'"
"Her hair is ridiculous," I said.
"I know. That was the only I said about her that was true. When you say nasty things about people,you should never say the true ones,because you can't really fully and honestly take those back,you know?