Nowadays, there are several technologies to come our life. The society may be affected by technology. Teenagers are the first customers that access effects. Those technologies can negatively affect to teenagers. The important gambling are the online gambling addiction in teenagers. Teenagers don’t think the negative effects such as health, learning, and general effects.
First, effect of gambling addiction in teenager is the negative effect to health because they have not relaxed. When they had not relaxed enough the immune system is weaker because of lack of relaxation enough, so the Immune system cannot efficiently work and it causes the misty vision on eyes because the eyes had not enough relaxed. Moreover, the teenagers have not got the nutrients while playing gambling because they had not known the time for eating. For these negative results, they are the causes of illnesses such as fever, cool, and another.
Second, effect of gambling addiction in teenager is the negative effect to learning. It has negatively affected the learning such as error on thinking process and studies such as fail examination. The popular gambling of groups of teenagers such as soccer gambling and card gambling. The teenager who addict gambling that they cannot manage their time. Although, they can study in class, but they may be lazy and don’t understand for learning times. These are more terrible and they can make us fail examination.
Last, effect of gambling addiction in teenagers is about the general problems that appear in the society. It leads to cause problems for example; more robbery and crime, but it can be controlled by us and parent of teenagers. These problems had negative affected to other people and goods. They can be killed other people or criminal problems because of robber. The best solving problem is the affection and attention of parent. In the same way, the parent must also give teenagers the best action samples such as stopping every gambling.
In conclusion, Gambling addiction of groups of teenagers leads to cause several problems on them. First, Health effects such as the negative Immune system and the misty vision on eyes. Second, learning effects such as It has negatively affected the learning and the studies which refer to fail examination. Last, general effects such as paying much properties and causing more robbery and crime. All of above, it is the bad things for teenagers and it also has seriously harmed. Therefore, teenager should get away from these for stopping the problem followed.