Writing Practice
Choose one of the following topics.
1. Choose two natural products (e.g., garlic and ginseng) and give examples of problems they can be used to treat.
2. Give examples of how a health problem can be treated in two or more different ways.
3. Describe two or three ‘grandmother’s remedies.’ Tell what they are used for and whether they work.
1 . Pre-writing.
Work with a partner, a group, or alone.
a. Brainstorm the topic. Choose a pre-writing brainstorming technique that you prefer. (See ]age 208.)
b. Work on a thesis statement.
2 . Outlining
a. Organize your ideas.
Step 1: Write your thesis statement.
Step 2: Pick the two or three best examples from your brainstorming activity.
Step 3: Remember to use a variety of words and phrases to show exambles.
b. Make a more detailed outline.
3 . Write a rough draft.
4 . Revise your rough draft.
Using the checklist below, check your rough draft or let your partner check it.
Essay Checklist
Essay Organization
Introduction …. Does it include general statements?
…. Is there a thesis statement?
Body …. Does each body paragraph give a clear example of a product or
…. Are transitions used to show exambles?
Conclusion …. Does it summarize main points or state your thesis again in
Other words?
…. Is there a final comment on the topic?
Paragraph Organization
Topic Sentences: …. Dose each body paragraph have a topic sentence with a
controlling idea?
Supporting Sentences …. Is each paragraph about one main idea?
Do your sentences support your topic sentence?
…. Do you have specific details or examples to support what you
have stated?
5 . Edit your essay.
Work with a partner or a teacher to edit your essay. Correct spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, and grammar. Focus on finding errors in subject/verb agreement. Remember that the subject and the verb must agree in person and in number.
Error: The number of famous people who are left-handed are amazing.
Correct: The number of famous people who are left-handed is amazing.
When you find a mistake of this type, you can mark it with the symbol “sv” (subject/verb). Look at page 207 for other symbols to use when editing your work.
6 . Write your final copy.