Secondary fruit
Unlike the primary fruit, the mean diameter of secondary fruit was not significantly affected by water stress treatments. The mean length and mean fruit weight however, followed a similar trend to the primary fruit; they were significantly lower in the ms fru and ss fru treatments. The differences between the mean length of the ss fru and normal treatments were once more not substantial at 7% although ss fru and ms fru treatments resulted in smaller fruit in length and weight. Primary fruit were slightly larger than secondary fruit in mean diameter and mean length. The differences in the sizes of the fruit was caused by the fact that primary fruit flowers were the first to bloom and were therefore on a superior position on the inflorescence. Fruit size generally declines with fruit placed on inferior positions such as secondary, tertiary and quaternary (Moore et al., 1970). This concept could not be fully established in this research because the blooming of the primary and secondary flowers was almost simultaneous in most cases.TSS and texture of primary fruit was not affected significantly by the various water stress treatments.