Public key algorithm invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman (RSA). It is the main operation of RSA to compute modular exponentiation. Since RSA is based on arithmetic modulo large numbers, it can be slow in constraining environments. Especially, when RSA decrypts the cipher text and generates the signatures, more computation capacity and time will be required. Reducing modulus in modular exponentiation is a technique to speed up the RSA decryption. The security of RSA comes from integerfactorization problem. RSA algorithm is relatively easy to understand and implement RSA algorithm is based on the
theory of a special kind of reversible arithmetic for modular
and exponent RSA is used in security protocols such as
IPSEC/IKE, TLS/SSL, PGP, and many more applications. The public and private keys are functions of a pair of large prime numbers and the necessary activities required to
decrypt a message from cipher text to plaintext using a
public key is comparable to factoring the product of two
prime numbers.
RSA File Transmission Algorithm can be summarized as
1. Generate the asymmetric keys with required digits.
2. Save and load the key, the key is saved as plain text.
3. Use specified key to encrypt any file with RSA
4. Encrypted files can be loaded and decrypted with the
specified key to restore the original file.
Public key algorithm invented in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman (RSA). It is the main operation of RSA to compute modular exponentiation. Since RSA is based on arithmetic modulo large numbers, it can be slow in constraining environments. Especially, when RSA decrypts the cipher text and generates the signatures, more computation capacity and time will be required. Reducing modulus in modular exponentiation is a technique to speed up the RSA decryption. The security of RSA comes from integerfactorization problem. RSA algorithm is relatively easy to understand and implement RSA algorithm is based on thetheory of a special kind of reversible arithmetic for modularand exponent RSA is used in security protocols such asIPSEC/IKE, TLS/SSL, PGP, and many more applications. The public and private keys are functions of a pair of large prime numbers and the necessary activities required todecrypt a message from cipher text to plaintext using apublic key is comparable to factoring the product of twoprime numbers.RSA File Transmission Algorithm can be summarized asfollows:1. Generate the asymmetric keys with required digits.2. Save and load the key, the key is saved as plain text.3. Use specified key to encrypt any file with RSAalgorithm.4. Encrypted files can be loaded and decrypted with thespecified key to restore the original file.
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