Treating a heart attack
The treatment options for a heart attack depend on whether you have had an ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), or another type of heart attack.
A STEMI is the most serious form of heart attack and requires emergency assessment and treatment. It is important that you are treated quickly to minimise damage to your heart.
If you have symptoms of a heart attack and an electrocardiogram (ECG) shows you have a STEMI, you will be assessed for treatment to unblock the coronary arteries.
The treatment used will depend on when your symptoms started and how soon you can access treatment.
• If your symptoms started within the past 12 hours – you will usually be offered primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
• If your symptoms started within the past 12 hours but you cannot access PCI quickly – you will be offered medication to break down blood clots.
• If your symptoms started more than 12 hours ago – you may be offered a different procedure, especially if symptoms have improved. The best course of treatment will be decided after an angiogram and may include medication, PCI or bypass surger