Experiments performed were grouped into three sections: first, the influence of pyrolysis temperature on products yield was studied in non-catalytic tests and also using sepiolite as catalyst. A ratio of sepiolite or sand to biomass of 3:1 (weight ratio) was analysed in the range of 400–500 °C. Second, the influence of proportion of sepiolite to biomass was assessed at 450 °C, by varying the weight ratio from 3:1 to 1:6 (always keeping the ratio of sand + catalyst to biomass equal to 3:1, in weight). Finally, several low cost materials (sepiolite, attapulgite, bentonite and red mud) were probed and compared at the catalyst to biomass ratio and temperature selected from the previous experiments. The storage stability of the organic liquids obtained for the different catalysts tested was assessed following an accelerated aging test (24 h at 80 °C)