Tolgahan’s exterior entry is definitely very original and bold interpretation of the HOVER theme. The structural elements of the building combined with the intriguing environment and emphasized by the lightning and color palette offer a great composition for the final piece.
The thick areas of vegetation and the massive rock formation lit mostly with diffuse light provide a sensation of a well protected, hidden, secret place and just when this would become too heavy we find it opening to provide a visual exit to the open sky. In that very space the viewer gets drawn back into the image by the large spike of the roof placed to brake the small emptiness. So the focus is on the structure and it gets emphasized by the contrasting warmer lights.
On the technical side there is room for improvement. The large rock surface is not well defined and seems unnatural. Some mapping issues (like the wood beams) take away from the image a little. But as far as design goes, we thought it is the best and awarded Tolgahan the best design category too.