RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS- The study ulllsistcd ol :1 12-month random ized controlhltri:tl ol I '17 hc::lth 111:111 memhcrs with type 2 cli:thetes and obesity (LlMI 227 kg/1n ') l'artlcip:mls wne r:mdom1zcd lo ltlcstylc case nun:tgemcnl m usual care c:asc m:mage.. me111 entailed 1mliv1dual :111d group educalicm. SUilJlOrl. and referral hy dietitians; lntcrvelltioiJcost was S l'iO lll'l pcrso11. lml1v1duals tiTatcd with usual care l'lTCived educational lllatnul. !loth groups received onglling pnm:1ry care. OutCClllles were clillciTillT between groups lor change i11 (ki logr:um). waist c1 rcumlcrcncc (cc111 i metns), I I hi1 ,, lasting l1 pid levels.
usc ol presniptio11 1ncdlc