These results clearly show that the application of SA accelerates
flowering initiation in gloxinia in-vitro plants
when they were acclimated to greenhouse conditions. Oota
and Cleland observed similar results (1975) in Lemna gibba.
It is interesting to note that the lowest concentration of SA
tested here at picomolar level (0.0001 μM) was sufficient to
affect gloxinia flowering, as described above; these results
are similar to those observed by Martin-Mex et al. (2005)
in the flowering process of micropropagated African violet
plants treated in early stages with salicylic acid. Other morpho-
physiological changes caused by SA at picomolar concentrations
have been reported for embryogenesis of Coffea
(Quiroz-Figueroa et al., 2001) and root transformation of
Catharanthus (Echevarría-Machado et al., 2007)..