Endophytic fungi isolates showed the highest IAA production is isolate KN10 (2.651
mgl-1) and lowest KN6 isolates (0.635 mgl-1). Lower than the results of research Nenwani [12],
F1 fungal isolates were able to produce IAA 11.45 μgml-1 , also production IAA by bacteria in
the presence of 5 mgml-1 tryptophan is 7.3 to 32.8 mgml-1 and 2.68 to 10.8 in the condition
without tryptophan mgml-1 [20,21]. Similarly, bacteria from maize roots in vitro resulted in the
highest IAA on the KB3 isolates 1.1255 ppm [22]. The study of bacterial isolates in the
rhizosphere of onion plants produce IAA Sulawesi varies from 0.76 to 2.33 ppm [23]. The
highest IAA production produced by B. subtilis isolates ME 105, B. amyloliquefacaciens subsp.
plantarum ME 3, P. polymyxa, and B. amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum ME8 (188, 151.9,
108.1 and 107 μgml-1) [24]