Among the 989 respondents, 124 (12.5%) thought the air
quality of Nanchang city was better than it was three years ago,
while 682 (69.0%) believed that the air quality was worse than it
was three years ago (Figure 1). Table 2 listed the crude odds ratios
obtained from bivariate logistic regression analyses and adjusted
odds ratio from multivariable logistic regression model with the
95% confidence intervals and p–values. Bivariate analyses showed
that participants’ age, gender, education level, income, place of
residence, international travel experience and children’s age and
health condition were found to be associated with awareness of air
pollution at 5% level of significance. However, income, place of
residence and children’s age did not appear to be significant in the
multivariable analysis due to collinearity. We found that, for
parents who were under 40 years of age, had a child/children with
poor health conditions, with higher education level and international
travelling experience, had higher awareness of air pollution.
Men tend to have lower awareness of air pollution as compared to
Among the 989 respondents, 124 (12.5%) thought the airquality of Nanchang city was better than it was three years ago,while 682 (69.0%) believed that the air quality was worse than itwas three years ago (Figure 1). Table 2 listed the crude odds ratiosobtained from bivariate logistic regression analyses and adjustedodds ratio from multivariable logistic regression model with the95% confidence intervals and p–values. Bivariate analyses showedthat participants’ age, gender, education level, income, place ofresidence, international travel experience and children’s age andhealth condition were found to be associated with awareness of airpollution at 5% level of significance. However, income, place ofresidence and children’s age did not appear to be significant in themultivariable analysis due to collinearity. We found that, forparents who were under 40 years of age, had a child/children withpoor health conditions, with higher education level and internationaltravelling experience, had higher awareness of air pollution.Men tend to have lower awareness of air pollution as compared towomen.
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