Many industrial equipments driving a load need prime
mover. There are various types of prime movers such as
hydraulic, steam and other type of engines but most
commonly used prime mover is an electric motor. The
main advantage of an electric motor is, its various
characteristics like Speed-Torque, Speed-Current etc,
which can be adjusted by a control equipment. The
PMDC drives are especially employed for constant speed
applications. The DC drives requires generally DC supply
for its normal operation . The DC supply generally tapped
from the converter circuit . This is well known that
PMDC drives needs constant input supply to deliver
constant output for the load. Since majority of the supply
voltage is being wasted as switching losses in the
converter, the converter circuit does not provide constant
supply for the PMDC drives. Hence an idea of
minimizing the switching losses of the converter is taken
in to consideration. The Bridgeless Boost converter and
Double Boost converter are the right choices for analysis
for PMDC Drive to deliver constant output. Since the
switching losses of the converters decides the efficiencyof the PMDC drive, the performance of the bridgeless
boost converter and Double boost converter are analyzed
through MATLAB simulation.