The purpose of this thesis is to extend the current research on behavioral strategy. An
important form of contribution employees make to the organization is called organizational
citizenship behavior (OCB) (Rotundo & Sackett, 2002). Therefore, managers should try to
encourage this behavior. In this study, the influence of different organizational culture types
on OCB will be investigated. The Competing Values Framework of Cameron & Quinn (2011)
is used to categorize four different organizational culture types: clan culture, adhocracy
culture, market culture, and hierarchical culture, which are expected to have different
influences on OCB. Furthermore, the moderating effect of individual differences regarding
human values is investigated using the value theory of Schwartz (1994). Data is collected
through an online survey. As expected by the literature, the results showed that organizational
culture indeed influences employees’ OCB. Clan and adhocracy culture positively influence
OCB, and market culture negatively influence OCB. No significant support has been found
that hierarchical culture negatively influence OCB. Furthermore, the results of this thesis
showed no support for the moderation effect of human values on the relationship between
organizational culture and OCB.