The urgency degree of water pollution emissions reduction.
The potential of emissions reduction:
pj = EIsyn,j − EIsyn,min
× 100% (2-7)
where, pi is thepotential of emissionintensity reductionofprovince
j; EIsyn,j is the average value of EIsyn that stands for 8-year emission
intensity of province j; EIsyn,min is the minimum of all the EIsyn.
We built the urgency degree of emission reduction upon the
pressure indicator of water pollution. The effects of various pollutants
on water are different, and surface water environmental
quality standard requires that the environmental standard limit
of COD is 20 times the NH3-N in the water (III–V) (GB3838–2002,
2002). This indicates that the effect of NH3-N is much greater than
COD. We use factors to adjust difference in environmental effect
and develop the pressure indicators of water pollution (Eq. (2-8)):