Soluble resol used as carbon source was prepared by a basic
polymerization method described elsewhere in detail [17].
For a typical procedure, 10 g F127 copolymer was mixed with
85 g ethanol. The resulting solution was heated up to 40 C to
form a clear solution under stirring. 25 g resol alcoholic solution
(40 wt%) was added in the above solution and kept stirring
at room temperature over 6 h to obtain the precursor
solution. 0.4 g of commercially available melamine sponge
without any pretreatment was immersed into the above solution
and sealed overnight. The above mixture was then
exposed to air, and the spontaneous evaporation of solvent
ensured the carbon precursor uniformly coated on the skeleton
of the sponge. The block copolymer and resol aggregated
and crosslinked into micell and resin, respectively. Composite
was achieved by thermally curing of the coated skeleton at
100 C for 24 h. The composite was then transferred to a tubular
furnace for pyrolysis under a nitrogen flow and heated to
350, 600, and 1000 C at 1 C/min and held at these temperatures
for 2 h, respectively. The resultant black carbon monolith
was denoted as C-x, where x indicates the last pyrolysis
Soluble resol used as carbon source was prepared by a basicpolymerization method described elsewhere in detail [17].For a typical procedure, 10 g F127 copolymer was mixed with85 g ethanol. The resulting solution was heated up to 40 C toform a clear solution under stirring. 25 g resol alcoholic solution(40 wt%) was added in the above solution and kept stirringat room temperature over 6 h to obtain the precursorsolution. 0.4 g of commercially available melamine spongewithout any pretreatment was immersed into the above solutionand sealed overnight. The above mixture was thenexposed to air, and the spontaneous evaporation of solventensured the carbon precursor uniformly coated on the skeletonof the sponge. The block copolymer and resol aggregatedand crosslinked into micell and resin, respectively. Compositewas achieved by thermally curing of the coated skeleton at100 C for 24 h. The composite was then transferred to a tubularfurnace for pyrolysis under a nitrogen flow and heated to350, 600, and 1000 C at 1 C/min and held at these temperaturesfor 2 h, respectively. The resultant black carbon monolithwas denoted as C-x, where x indicates the last pyrolysistemperature.2.
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