Dear Joom,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Do you have the tracking number for this so that our colleague at redwood city can revert on question 2 & 3? Also, are these 5 samples the one you had sent with gel pack?
@Glen or Traci – Kindly advise on question 2 & 3.
The answer is in blue for the rest of the question:
1. We have the redraw case from Korea. The patient can't come back to collect the blood again. Therefore, we need your help to support the connection if you have the Verifi center in Korea. Is it possible to collect the blood and detect the sample for this case in Korea? We can link you up with our colleague and service centre in Korea. Is the patient based in Seoul?
2. For this Korean case, we have collected the plasma from EDTA tube for validation. I would like to know can we do anything for this plasma. I mean that can we send this plasma for Verifi detection. Redwood city lab only accept samples collected in streck tube unfortunately. For validation, you will need to collect your samples in streck tubes. Glen or Traci, feel free to comment
3. We would like to know the criteria for cancellation of hemolysed samples. I mean that how to know that this sample hemolyse or not and do you have the hemolysis level for grading. Glen and Traci to comment.
4. Are there other countries or clinics that have the problem like us, please let us know how they manage this problem. Yes, our customer in Singapore is facing this issue as well for one particular route and they had been advised to avoid collection on that date/time (only Friday afternoon samples are affected) or uses Gel Pack if delivery for is required for that particular batch. We had yet to hear of complain since then. Temperature could be the key reason why samples in temperate region is affected. I hope the affected samples mentioned in this email are not those sent with gel pack. Let us know and we can discuss further.