The half-dc-bus-voltage rated boost rectifier supplied from
three-phase mains has been analyzed in [ 10]. For the sake of
simplicity, part of that analysis that is necessary to follow the
paper is repeated.
The basic principle of the single-phase supplied
half-dc-bus-rated boost rectifier is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Idealized waveforms are depicted in Fig. 3. The boost rectifier
consists of a single-phase diode rectifier, two un i-directional
dc-dc converters, namely DC-DC I and DC-DC2, and two
series connected capacitor CEl and CE2. The DC-DCI
converter is connected in three points; the rectifier plus rail,
the dc bus plus rail, and midpoint of the capacitors Cnl and Cnr
The DC-DCl converter generates the compensation voltage Vo
which is used as an intermediate voltage to regulate the
rectifier current iRJoc and the dc bus voltage VEIlS. The average
current i1 that flows from the DC-DCI into the capacitors mid
point is non-zero current. Since the capacitors average current
must be zero in steady state, one additional converter DC-DC2
is used to compensate the current i1 and maintain VCl to VC2
ration constant. In this paper we consider the case VCl=VC2=
vRw/2 [ 10].
Let the mains voltage be purely sinusoidal voltage