Thus, case-based action research was selected as the approach
to study and understand the application environment,and to develop the tool in an iterative manner with the managers and
other stakeholders. In general this kind of research methodology
be longs to the paradigm of design sciences (Van Aken,2004), in
which decision-maker supporting tools are developed to recognize the type of the problem and some potentially effective
actions (e.g.heuristicrules).The decision maker is lef twith the task of integrating the context dependent information and also all the intuitive (tacit) knowledge ,which he may possess and find relevant in the situation.The purpose of the research is to provide generic knowledge(e.g.atoolorframework) to support the
design of interventions that managers need to do in various
decision-making situations ,while the application of the knowledge remains case-specific.This created a good environment for the case study as suggested by Eisenhardt (1989).