Transcript of Overpopulation vs Overconsumption
Overpopulation vs Over consumption:
where should we focus on?
Resources that are effected
Is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth.
Human population is growing like never before. We are now adding one billion people to the planet every 12 years. That's about 220,000 per day.
Causes of Overpopulation
Advanced Technology
Reduce in Death Rates
Air Quality
Oil and Gas
Water Shortages
Other Fuels
Solutions of Overpopulation
Spreading awareness about overpopulation.
Enacting birth control measures and regulations.
Providing universal access to birth devices and family planning.
Human population is growing like never before. We are now adding one billion people to the planet every 12 years. That's about 220,000 per day.
Cooking a lot of food
Owning many cars
Having large houses
What do these three conducts have in common?
What is Over consumption?
Over consumption comparison around the world
Environmental degradation (can subsidize to social and political instability).
Negative effects on the global economy.
Pollution (land and visual).
Climate change.
What are its effects:
Water diminution in the UAE
What the UAE has done
Do you want to live in a world that looks like this?
What can we do?
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
― Mahatm Gandhi
Usual Approach, prev. Table, is Usually Tied to Graph like this one:
The Industrial North has made the demographic transition
Population/Environment equilibrium + modern Technology/Medicine Economic/Population growth New Population/Environment equilibrium.
The underdeveloped South is still dealing with the early stages of the process… and, if modernization works properly, they’ll get were we are eventually
Explanation of Graph
The North must consume less while
transferring modern contraceptive technologies to the South so as to slow population growth and
develop/transfer to the South
new, appropriate, and efficient technologies to
decrease energy use,
increase recycling,
increase agricultural productivity and
stimulate sustainable (sometimes labor-intensive) development.
Solution to the problem is then…
Food: one billion people, one out of every seven people alive, go to bed hungry.Every day, 25,000 people die of malnutrition and hunger-related diseases. Almost 18,000 of them are children under 5 years old.
It is the encouragement of the human population to over consume, use, and abuse natural resources to a point where society at large is at an epic crossroads. In other words, It is the action or fact of consuming something to cause excess.
Europe consumes three times as many resources as a citizen from Asia and more than four times as much as an average African. People of other rich countries consume up to ten times more than people in developing countries.
For many years the UAE has been know for being the world's largest consumer of water. Per person 500 liters of water is consumed per day, which is 82 per cent more than the global average consumption.
Worldwide, water shortage is becoming even a bigger threat than climate change. According to Peter Brabeck, chairman of Nestle: "We are going to run out of water long before we run out of oil.”
Consumption continues to rise in the North and technological and economic growth in the south lags far behind population growth rates.
This leads to, or so the claim goes,
- pollution in the north and
- depletion in the south.
- “we” are consuming too much and
- “they” are having too many children.