Constant-coefficient regression models have been applied extensivelyin statistics, while various random-coefficient models have alsoemerged as viable competitors in various specific fields. model inwhich the parameter of explanatory variables can be expressed as amonotonic function of a single, scalar random variable. The QRmodel captures the systematic influences of conditioning variables onthe location, scale, and shape of the conditional distribution of theresponse. The QR model is thus significantly extended with a constantcoefficient in which the effects of conditioning are confined to a locationshift.Further, this study denotes that traditional optimization techniques,including OLS and LAD, disregard different behaviors in thetail regions of firm performance distributions, and that the relationshipbetween CEO stock-based pay and firm performance in firmsmight change in the tail regions. Following this line of thought, thisinvestigation employs the QR to examine the non-uniform impact of CEO stockbasedpay on performance across various performance quantile conditions.