Jeong Ilhun screams into the handset!
The call got cut off.
He sat in a daze. After a long while needed to clear his mind, the other instructors came out and the lot of apprentices could be seen.
Choe Jongbeom, Ma Sangbeom, and Lee Indo!
Though not the violent types, they were sturdy guys that deserved to be called monsters of the human species.
Some while after he initially saw his brothers that he could finally hear them.
Rather than a dream, it was his reality.
“Did the call with Seechwi nim go well?”
At their questions, Jeong Ilhun nodded his head.
“Yea, it went well. Though tomorrow she’s coming with kimbap.”
“Ki, kimbap…”
An explosive reaction from all the practitioners.
Lee Indo remained the calmest of the lot.
“Did you mean she’s coming with bought food from Kimbap Haven or hand-packed one?”
“The latter. She said she’ll also put in tuna.”
“Including tuna!”
The entire body of people was envious of Jeong Ilhun.
The final fifth story!
Reached the final stage of the Tower of Heroes.
Charisma increases by 10.
Strength increases by 15.
Fighting Spirit increases by 60.
Having been able transcend the limit, You will obtain valuable EXP.
Level has increased.
Level has increased.
Improved permanent stats, along with two levels.
Weed’s level once again hit 356.
With the given levels accolades, he granted all the stat points to Agility.
Passing through the fourth floor has leveled his sword skill, and now it has reached Intermediate level 5.
Fighting against the undefined number of spawning specters improved his proficiency considerably.
Only after the completeness of the battle that he realized his sword was down to 23% Durability. It was his willingness to fight against the Ghost Knights and Ghost Soldiers that the drop was so much.
“We succumbed to a great warrior.”
“Our life, concluded.”
No longer did they want to receive Weed’s damaging blows and having to revive for more.
Fundamentally, the specters having been at the receiving end of the endless suffering, their mind was already weak. And now, their pride, confidence, fighting spirits, all collapsed.
On the fourth floor, Weed repaired his equipment and waited until he was in perfect condition before climbing the stairs to the fifth.
‘Some great thing awaits.’
He refused to be scared or dreaded.
There was no doubt that the fifth barrier of the Tower of Heroes was something difficult.
He took in deep breaths and had already put an end to the jittering.
When he arrived to the fifth floor, the expectation of a Monster filled area broke into nothingness; instead, a round table could be seen.
There laid different copies of books.
《Blade Master》
《Kung-Fu Master》
A total of 11 books of golden glow.
“Well that’s vague.”
Weed realized he must select one.
If he was an adventurer type of class, he could have use either ‘Research' or 'Observation’ skill on them. Which could allow him to see if there was some hidden trap, or permits him to investigate on the books.
It could be said that this was one of the privileges of being an adventurer type.
Understandably, this was not a skill existed for the Sculptor class. And while being the Skeleton Knight, he had no such skill either.
“Make no difference to me then.”
Weed agonized for a moment then opened up the book for the Knight.
He reserved a bit of interest in either the Thief or the Hunter. But in his current self as a Skeleton Knight, he picked up the matching class's book instead.
From a distance, it seemed as if a skeleton from an anatomy class was inconceivably reading a book.