A little girl in the greenfiled throw her plane in the sky high
the plane dip down to the ground and crashed
She so sad and walk back to her desk
the wind almost blow her blueprint away
she rest head on her hand suddenly the little blue case drop from above
after that the air ship ran pass her face and hit the tree with the little noy
he very scare of her and he grab a pencil for protection
he back to his airship and pull it out f the tree
and it going worse then he look up in the sky of his squadron fly away and away
he upset and he grab a pencil for protect again
but she grab a hand to help him fix the airship
she wind the propeler and it fly away to her old plane
now she combind her plane with the litle boy airship
it fly high but not wotk the plane crash again
they were sad they think it very late to follow to other ship
the the wind blow the blurptiny to her
in hte last she fix the airship with her blueprint she ran for it to wind up in the sy
airship can fly again she very happy with him
the litle boy open his case that packed with the star and hang it on the sky
he look back to her and make a signal where he is
the girl is happy to see the best sky ever