Topic: Job Interview Vocabulary 5
Complete each of the following sentences that are commonly used to answer questions during a job interview:
1. "I've been very careful about the companies where I have _________________."
a. sent
b. checked on
c. applied
2. "One of the things I can _________________ ( = contribute) to this job is my eight years of experience."
a. take
b. bring
c. give
3. "I _________________ ( = love) challenges."
a. make up
b. thrive on
c. shut down
4. "Yes, I feel I am in a _________________ to consider an offer."
a. position
b. place
c. spot
5. "After finishing my last job, I took some _________________ ( = I took a break) to examine my career goals."
a. repose
b. months
c. time off
6. "This position is _________________ to me." ( = I'm very interested in this position.)
a. of great interest
b. interested
c. causing interest
7. "I took the _________________ to ( = had a chance to) find out a little bit about the company."
a. opportunity
b. interest
c. break
8. "What are some of the responsibilities _________________ with this position?"
a. given
b. dished out
c. involved
9. "I _________________ ( = am very proud) on my communication skills."
a. pride me
b. pride myself
c. am with a lot of pride
10. "In my last job I worked with men and women from diverse _________________ and cultures.
a. backgrounds
b. histories
c. pasts
Topic: Job Interview Vocabulary 6
Complete each of the following sentences that are commonly used to answer questions during a job interview:
1. "I've always done my best to show that I appreciate the _________________ and achievements of every member of my team."
a. efforts
b. trials
c. attempts
2. "I'm quite adept at finding solutions to tricky and _________________ situations."
a. unexpected
b. uncalled-for
c. weird
3. "I have implemented several initiatives to increase _________________ among my co-workers." ( = to make my co-workers feel better, to motivate them)
a. morals
b. morality
c. morale
4. "I'm good at recognizing priorities, and _________________ ( = making sure) that these are taken care of first."
a. engaging
b. ensuring
c. enabling
5. "When there are competing priorities, I usually make my decision on a _________________ basis."
a. problem-by-problem
b. challenge-by-challenge
c. case-by-case
6. "I was _________________ ( = lucky) to have worked with such a great group of people."
a. fortunate
b. challenged
c. surprised