Today was definitely out of our expectations. To have that many goblins and even have a goblin king come out. We’d normally prepare well before setting off to do a job but this time… While we were fighting, I remembered that story. You know, that story about not letting one’s guard down around weak monsters. “
“Ah, is it that true story of a country that was ruined after being attacked by 100,000 goblins? I remember! I remember! It’s really a miracle that no one died today.” - Shell
There was a story like that!?
“I remember, de aru!” - Raypin
“What is it all of the sudden, old man?” - Jeff
“Ryouma, can you show me that heal slime from before? I’ve always only heard about heal slimes, de aru.” - Raypin
“Alright.” - Ryouma
As I said that, I called the two heal slimes over.
“Here.” - Ryouma
“I’m grateful, de aru. Fumu fumu, the body is white, and its body is quite small even amongst the slimes. I saw it use healing magic with my own eyes… it’s exactly as what I’ve heard. What about its meal? What do you feed it? - Raypin
“Not much actually, since it doesn’t eat anything else aside from water. The cleaner slime also doesn’t normally eat meat, but if you order it to, it will eat. There’s a big difference between the two though. When I thought that it was just a matter of preference, it turned out that the heal slimes really don’t eat anything else except water.” – Ryouma
“Is that true, de aru?” - Raypin
“How does it manage to live on water alone?” - Wereanna
“The heal slime has a skill called photosynthesis. This skill allows the slimes to get the necessary nutrients by bathing under the sunlight. From the looks of things, it’s thanks to this skill, that the slime can live on water alone.” - Ryouma
“There was such a skill, de aru!? Mu mu mu, how curious…” - Raypin
“Is that slime strong?” – Mizelia
“No, it’s ridiculously weak. It has no fighting abilities, and if it fights, it would lose even to a normal slime.” - Ryouma
“That is weak…” - Mizelia
“That’s probably the reason why the heal slimes are so rare. Even if a heal slime were to be born, it would immediately be killed by another beast or monster, and so it becomes extremely rare for people to find it.” - Ryouma
“I understand, de aru. Someone with no strength wouldn’t be able to survive in the wild. So does that mean the heal slime doesn’t have any way of defending itself, de aru?” - Raypin
“Nothing else aside from resistance skills. On top of the healing magic, it also has the strengthen vitality skill. So it can run away while being hit as it heals itself.” - Ryouma
“So all it can do is resist, heal, and run, de aru?” - Raypin