At first glance, unemployment statistics in the United States suggest that the country is beginning to experience a period of sustained economic growth. From a starting point of 7.9% in January of this year, the national rate of unemployment tumbled to 7.6% in June as a growing number of firms continued to hire steadily and without interruption. Even as unemployment benefit applications rose by 16,000 during the first week of June, this was consistent with the level of tentative growth that has continued through the second financial quarter.
Beyond the statistics, however, there are various reasons for the nation's politicians to be concerned. Not only is the current labor market recovery the weakest since World War II, but there remain several demographics that are unable to find work or achieve their desired career success. To put this into context, approximately 55% of the 175,000 jobs added to the U.S. economy during May were either low-paid or temporary assignments, while youth unemployment continues to soar and has now reached a staggering 16.2% across the U.S.