Array Access
We generally write arrays with a name, followed by the index in some brackets, square '[]' or round '()'. For example, august[3] is the method used in the C programming language to refer to a particular day in the month.
Because the C language starts the index at zero, august[3] is the 4th element in the array. august[0] actually refers to the first element of this array. Starting an index at zero is natural for computers, whose internal representations of numbers begin with zero, but for humans, this unnatural numbering system can lead to problems when accessing data in an array. When fetching an element in a language with zero-based indexes, keep in mind the true length of an array, lest you find yourself fetching the wrong data. This is the disadvantage of programming in languages with fixed lower bounds, the programmer must always remember that "[0]" means "1st" and, when appropriate, add or subtract one from the index. Languages with variable lower bounds will take that burden off the programmer's shoulder.