Tha latest reality TV phenomenon to hit our screens is Forbidden Fruit,which is about to enter its second series. The rules are simple: two couples spend a week apart on a desert island,but the women are with gorgeous, single men and the men are with beautiful, single girls. Will they be able to resist temptation and remain faithful to their partners, or will they be unable to resist the forbidden fruit of other men or women? We talk to two of last years contestants, Abby and George.
Divide the class into two groups, A and B. Group A reads what Abby says and Group B reads what George says.
Well, everybody knows the story by now. When I went onto the island, l'd been going out with George for five years and we were planning on getting married. thought it was going to be really hard to be apart from him, but then when he went to the other side of the island, began to realize that really didn't miss him, and that what needed was some time to discover myself. I remember walking along the beach on the first day and thinking, "If only this had happened a couple of years before because, you know, you don't realize how unhappy you can be in relationships. I knew then that had to get out. should have gotten out a long time before the TV show.