You should receive your OTP via SMS on your registered mobile phone number shortly. Please do not close your browser while waiting for your OTP. Upon receipt, enter the OTP in the field provided and click "Submit".
Q: The mobile phone number shown on the screen is not my latest number. What should I do?
A: Please call the respective Customer Service Teams to update your mobile phone number:
Please kindly contact our 24-hr CitiPhone Banking at 0-2788-7808 (in Thailand) or +66 2232 2484 (outside Thailand) to update your mobile phone number.
Q: I have not received my OTP via SMS. What should I do?
A: Please verify that your mobile phone number is updated in our records. You should receive your OTP in less than one minute. However, this service is dependent on the various telco and service providers and may take a longer time due to mobile traffic.
Q: Do I need to click any button to trigger the OTP via SMS?
A: No, the OTP will automatically be sent to your registered mobile phone number.
Q: How long is my OTP valid for?
A: Your OTP is valid for 5 minutes. Please click on the "Regenerate OTP" link should you exceed this time frame.
Q: What happens if I enter the wrong OTP?
A: You have 3 attempts to key in your OTP. If you have keyed in 3 invalid OTPs, you will not be able to proceed with the transaction and will be routed back to the merchant website.