The Mexican government declared that overweight and obesity are Mexico’s principal public health
problems. Because of this problem the development of nutraceutical foods with a low glycemic index is
necessary. Cookies with unripe banana flour (UBF) were prepared with very few ingredients in the
formulation to avoid fat and digestible carbohydrates. Proximate composition and starch digestibility
were carried out. Moisture and dietary fiber content increased, but protein and fat decreased when the
UBF level increased in the cookie. Total starch in cookies added with UBF increased when this ingredient
was increased in the formulation. A similar pattern was found for available and resistant starch. Resistant
starch content is important due to the beneficial effects associated with its fermentation in the colon.
Hydrolysis percentage and predicted glycemic index decreased when the UBF increased in the composite
that is related with the resistant starch content. When the amount of UBF was increased in the cookies,
the rapidly digestible starch decreased and the slowly digestible starch increased. Addition of UBF to
simple formulation for cookie preparation is important to obtain a product with high level of indigestible