Special consideration needs to be given to deposition of sulfur and nitrogen. The open field received inputs of
11.0 kg S ha
and 9.4 kg N ha
. The through fall contained 34.3 S and 22.3 N kg∙ha
. Over time,
these amounts would contribute to acidification of the soil and one-sided fertilisation of the forest. The study
area was located in a rural landscape not far from urban areas, which may explain the very high level of S, but
also the unexpectedly high level of N. The levels observed were lower than those reported for the north-west of
the region at the time (Nihlgård 1972). Since then, S deposition has strongly decreased and the Slevel in the
open field today is approx. 5 kg∙ha
. The present day N deposition rate is approximately 10 kg∙ha
(Pihl-Karlsson et al. 2012)