Despite the significance of rice in the livelihood of many farmers, it is also be-ing regarded as an income generating crop in the study area even though it has not been given the due attention. It is only recently that few studies have been done on rice in the zone with the coming of the commodity value chain development support project (PADFA). However, most of these studies have focused on production and were lim-ited to a specific area and marketing aspects. Furthermore, not much is known on various rice marketing channels that exist in the study area. Also the profitability in rice pro-duction/marketing is still in doubt in the study area. Therefore this study was initiated to investigate the different marketing chan-nels and analyze the profitability along the market chains. Specifically, the study was aimed at; analyzing the different marketing channels; determining the profit of actors at different levels as well as the role of each set of actors and identifying the major risk asso-ciated in rice production and marketing.