Same statistical differences can be observed at temporal awareness. More active children, through physical activities, have a better temporal awareness. They succeeded in aiming the target more times than their colleagues who do not practice other sport activities. As for spatial awareness, there are no significant statistical differences which show important differences between children who practice other sports besides school classes and the ones who attend only physical education classes. On 7-8 year old size rating is poor and the children underestimate distances (Schiopu&Verza, 1997). For the children in elementary school the spatial awareness is based on a flat plane, as a map (Albu&Albu, 1999). The initially formulated hypothesis is partially proved. - Young school children energetic and willing to play. - Spatial awareness does not seem entirely precise. - Temporal and spatial awareness, actually spatial-temporal one, is enough developed. This paper improve that physical activities provide a proven way to improve children’s perceptual-motor. Perceptual-motor experiences build a strong base to support future academic learning. For a better children evolution it is important to start earlier the training of the perceptual-motor. Physical activity contributes to the child’s perceptual-motor development and his healthy lifestyle