ก.พ. 2559, at 19:05, "Chidrawee Tuntaswadi" wrote:
Dear P Na
P golf would like us to help Pad summary about capex สร้างโรงงานลาว USD 20 Million whether it is over or within budget. P golf said that there will be VAT and non-VAT in the mix in the capex cost that supplier charged us i.e. PT might quote at the price include VAT while others did not (so there will be additional VAT cost and it might be FA cost ? so it over budget). Since Pad will be busy with every issues right now, P Na pls help pad and pook in this matter.
Another issues are that Laos is currently having liquidity problem. So we have to strictly control all spending. P Golf ask about asking Navision to discuss about how to control spending via the system. แมว already call k. Siriporn and she will meet us next week to discuss about this issue.
Thank you ka