Since strawberry is a non-climacteric fruit, auxins could regulate
their ripening events being the achenes the endogenous source
of auxins (Given et al., 1988). As shown in Fig. 3A and B the expression
of FaEXP1 and FaEXP2 was affected by auxin. The removal of
achenes from LG fruit induced a rapid increase in mRNA accumulation
of FaEXP1 and FaEXP2 genes (see −/− treatment). On the other
hand, de-achened fruit treated with NAA (−/+ treatment) showed
a reduction in the level of FaEXP1 and FaEXP2 transcript accumulation
compared to de-achened fruit. In addition, the application
of NAA to intact fruit (+/+ treatment) reduced transcript accumulation
of FaEXP1 and FaEXP2 compared to non-treated fruit (+/−
treatment). These results indicate a clear repression of expression
of FaEXP1 and FaEXP2 genes by auxins. The expression of FaEXP5
gene in de-achened fruit was also induced compared to intact
fruit, however the effect was less intense than with FaEXP1 and
FaEXP2 (Fig. 3D). Moreover, the application of NAA to de-achened
fruit (−/+) was not able to repress the expression of FaEXP5 compared
to de-achened fruit. This indicates that the expression of
FaEXP5 gene was also regulated by auxins but the application of
exogenous auxin did not reduce the gene expression level of this