Thank God!" he shouted. "Come here quickly!"
"Why?" I asked. "Come on, man, we need you!" And
so I helped Godfrey Norton to marry Irene Adler.
They needed a witness, and a servant from the street
was better than nobody.'
'So she's married him! What shall we do now?' I
'Well, tonight, my dear Watson, I need your help.
Will you do what I ask? Without questions?'
'Of.course, Holmes, if you think that it's important,'
I answered.
'Later, we'll go to Briony Lodge. Irene Adler, or
Irene Norton, will arrive home at seven o'clock, and
she will ask me to go into the house. You must wait
outside near the sitting-room window, and when it
opens, watch me inside. When I hold up my hand,
throw this thing into the room and shout "Fire!"'
I took the small thing out of his hand. 'What is it,
Holmes?' I asked.
'It's a smoke-stick. The room will very quickly be
full of smoke. After that, wait for me at the corner of
the street.'
'Right, I'll do what you want,' I said.